BCA 3 - Core Java Assignments

Core Java

Descriptive Questions:
1.Define the term Class and Objects. Discuss the concept of Constructor with suitable example.
2.Differentiate between a constructor and a method
3.What is polymorphism? Explain run-time polymorphism with example.
4.Write a program to demonstrate any five string operations using string class.
5.What is difference between String and String buffer and explain 3 methods of String and StringBuffer class with example.
6.State the difference between interface and abstract class with example.
7.What is constructor? Explain constructor overloading with example.
8.Method overriding & Overriding
9.What is the use of this & super keyword?
10.What is static? How to create static method?


Descriptive Questions:
1.What are the steps in the JDBC connection? Explain in detail
2.State the purpose of the following JDBC classes and interfaces
   i) Driver manager ii) Connection iii) Statement
3.Write JDBC programs to demonstrate CRUD(create,read,update,delete) operations on table student (rollno, name, marks, grade).
4.Explain types of JDBC drivers with suitable example.


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