Advance Java - Unit2.Introduction To Swing Technology
Swing Packages Should I Use?
Most of the code uses only one or two Swing packages:
(not always required)
1. More on Swing's JComponents
The class hierarchy of Swing's top-level containers (JFrame
, JDialog
, JApplet
) are as follows. These top-level Swing
containers are heavyweight, that rely on the underlying windowing subsystem of the native platform.

The class hierarchy of Swing's JComponent
s is as follows. JComponent
and its descendants are lightweight components.

1.1 ImageIcon

Many Swing's JComponent
s (such as JLabel
and JButton
) support a text label and an image icon. For example, the figure shows three buttons: one with text label, one with an image icon, and one with both text and icon.
The javax.swing.ImageIcon
class models an image icon. An ImageIcon
is a fixed-size picture, typically small, and mainly used for decorating GUI components. The ImageIcon
class implements javax.swing.Icon
interface, and hence, often upcasted and referenced as Icon
To construct an ImageIcon
, provide the image filename or URL. Image file type of GIF, PNG, JPG and BMP are supported. For example,
// Construct an ImageIcon from an image filename String imgFilename = "images/duke.png"; // Can use an absolute filename such as "c:/project/images/nought.gif" ImageIcon iconDuke = new ImageIcon(imgFilename); // OR // Construct an ImageIcon via an image URL (in the form of file://path/filename) ImageIcon iconDuke = null; String imgFilename = "images/duke.png"; imgURL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(imgFilename); // Filename always relative to the root of the project (i.e., bin) // can access resource in a JAR file if (imgURL != null) { iconDuke = new ImageIcon(imgURL); } else { System.err.println("Couldn't find file: " + imgFilename); }
Using URL is more flexible as it can access resources in a JAR file, and produces an error message if the file does not exist (which results in a null
Many JComponents
(such as JLabel
, JButton
) accepts an ImageIcon
in its constructor, or via the setIcon()
method. For example,
ImageIcon iconDuke = null;
String imgFilename = "images/duke.gif"; // relative to project root (or bin)
URL imgURL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(imgFilename);
if (imgURL != null) {
iconDuke = new ImageIcon(imgURL);
} else {
System.err.println("Couldn't find file: " + imgFilename);
JLabel lbl = new JLabel("The Duke", iconDuke, JLabel.CENTER);
Container cp = getContentPane();
An ImageIcon
uses an java.awt.Image
object to hold the image data. You can retrieve this Image
object via the ImageIcon
's getImage()
method. The Image
object is used in the drawImage()
method for custom drawing (which shall be discussed later).
1.2 Setting the Appearances and Properties of JComponents
Most of the Swing Components supports these features:
- Text and icon.
- Keyboard short-cut (called mnemonics), e.g., activated via the "Alt" key in Windows System.
- Tool tips: display when the mouse-pointer pauses on the component.
- Look and feel: customized appearance and user interaction for the operating platform.
- Localization: different languages for different locale.
All JComponents
(such as JPanel
, JLabel
, JTextField
and JButton
) support these set methods to set their appearances and properties:
// javax.swing.JComponent public void setBackground(Color bgColor) // Sets the background color of this component public void setForeground(Color fgcolor) // Sets the foreground (text) color of this component public void setFont(Font font) // Sets the font used by this component public void setBorder(Border border) // Sets the border for this component public void setPreferredSize(Dimension dim) public void setMaximumSize(Dimension dim) public void setMinimumSize(Dimension dim) // Sets the preferred, maximum or minimum size of this component. public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) // If true (opaque), fill the background with background color; // otherwise, enable transparent background. // Most of the JComponents have default of true, except JLabel. public void setToolTipText(String toolTipMsg) // Sets the tool-tip message, to be displayed when the mouse-pointer pauses over the component.
Swing's JLabel
and buttons (AbstractButton
subclasses): support both text and icon, which can be specified in the constructor or via the setters.
// javax.swing.JLabel, javax.swing.AbstractButton public void setText(String strText) // Set the text public void setIcon(Icon defaultIcon) // Set the button's default icon (you can have different icons for "pressed" and "disabled" states) public void setHorizontalAlignment(int alignment) // Set the horizontal alignment of icon and text // SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.CENTER public void setVerticalAlignment(int alignment) // Set the vertical alignment of icon and text, // SwingConstants.TOP, SwingConstants.BOTTOM, SwingConstants.CENTER public void setHorizontalTextPosition(int textPosition) // Set the horizontal text position relative to icon // SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.LEADING, SwingConstants.TRAILING. public void setVerticalTextPosition(int textPosition) // Set the vertical text position relative to icon // SwingConstants.TOP, SwingConstants.BOTTOM, SwingConstants.CENTER
// javax.swing.JTextField, javax.swing.JLabel, javax.swing.AbstractButton public void setHorizontalAlignment(int alignment) // Set the text's horizontal alignment: JTextField.LEFT, JTextField.CENTER // JTextField.RIGHT, JTextField.LEADING, JTextField.TRAILING // No setVerticalAlignment as text field is single-line
Swing's buttons support mnemonic (to be triggered via keyboard short-cut with alt key).
// javax.swing.AbstractButton public void setMnemonic(int mnemonic) // Set the keyboard mnemonic (i.e., the alt short-cut key). // Use KeyEvent.VK_xxx to specify the key.

This example creates 3 JComponents
: a JLabel
, a JTextField
and a JButton
, and sets their appearances (background and foreground colors, font, preferred size and opacity). It also sets the horizontal text alignment for the JTextField

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1.5 Text Components: JTextField, JTextArea, JEditorPane

Swing provides 6 text components, as shown in the above class diagram. All text components extends from JTextComponent
: For displaying only one line of editable text. Like buttons, they triggerActionEvent
when user hits the "enter" key.JTextArea
: Plain text area for displaying multiple lines of editable text, unformatted. All the texts are in the same font.
1.6 Buttons and ComboBox: JButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JComboBox
Read: Swing Tutorial's "How to Use Buttons, Check Boxes, and Radio Buttons".
A user can click a button (or a menu item) to trigger a specific action. Swing supports mouse-less operations, where user could use a keyboard short-cut (called mnemonic) to activate the action.
Buttons and menu-items are inherited from AbstractButton
, as shown in the class diagram.
You could place a text string (called button's label) as well as an icon on the button. You could use different icons for different button states: defaultIcon
, disabledIcon
, pressedIcon
, selectedIcon
, rolloverIcon
, disabledSelectedIcon
, rolloverSelectedIcon
. The defaultIcon
can be set via the constructor or setIcon()
method. The other icons can be set via setXxxIcon()
methods. You can set the alignment of text and button via setHorizontalAlignment()
and setVerticalAlignment()
methods. You can set the position of the text relative to the icon via setHorizontalTextPosition()
and setVerticalTextPosition()
Swing supports many type of buttons.
Command Buttons: JButton
Click to fires an ActionEvent
to all its registered ActionListener
Toggle Buttons: JRadioButton, JCheckBox, JToggleButton
Toggle buttons are two-state buttons: SELECTED
For radio button, you can choose none or one among the group. JRadioButton
s are typically added into a ButtonGroup
to ensure exclusive selection. JRadioButton
fires ItemEvent
to its ItemListener
s. It also fires ActionEvent
to its ActionListener
s. Both ItemEvent
and ActionEvent
can be used.
For checkboxes, you can choose none or more among the group. JCheckBoxes
fire ItemEvent
as well as ActionEvent
. We typically use ItemEvent
as we may need to distinguish between item-states of SELECTED
The ItemListner
(of ItemEvent
) declares one abstract method itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
can be used to provide a drop-down menu. It supports single-selection and multiple-selection. JComboBox
receives a Object
array (typically a String
array), which provides the items in the drop-down list. JComboBox
fires ItemEvent
. We could use JComboBox
's getSelectedIndex()
to get the index of the selected item; or getSelectedItem()
to get the selected Object
. JComboBox
also fires ActionEvent
Example on JButton, JRadioButton and JComboBox
In this example, we shall modify our counter application to include two radio buttons for specifying counting up/down, and a combo-box to select the count-step size.
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1.7 Menu-Bar: JMenuBar, JMenu, JMenuItem

The menu-bar is at the same level as the content-pane (of the top-level container JFrame
). It is set via the JFrame
's setJMenuBar()
method (similar to setContentPane()
To create a menu-bar, construct a JMenuBar
. A menu-bar (JMenuBar
) contains menu (JMenu
). A menu contains menu-item (JMenuItem
). JMenuItem
is a subclass of AbstractButton
, similar to JButton
. JMenuItem
fires ActionEvent
upon activation to all its registered ActionListener

This menu-bar contains 2 menus (Menu-A and Menu-B). Menu-A contains 2 menu-items (Up and Down). Menu-B has 1 menu-item (Reset).
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Both AWT and Swing applications uses the AWT event-handling classes (in package java.awt.event
). Swing added a few new event handling classes (in package javax.swing.event
), but they are not frequently used.
AWT GUI Components (such as Button
, TextField
, and Window
) can trigger an AWTEvent
upon user’s activation.
User Action | Event Triggered | Event Listener interface |
Click a Button , JButton | ActionEvent | ActionListener |
Open, iconify, close Frame , JFrame | WindowEvent | WindowListener |
Click a Component , JComponent | MouseEvent | MouseListener |
Change texts in a TextField , JTextField | TextEvent | TextListener |
Type a key | KeyEvent | KeyListener |
Click/Select an item in a Choice , JCheckbox , JRadioButton , JComboBox | ItemEvent, ActionEvent | ItemListener, ActionListener |
The subclasses of AWTEvent
are as follows:

Source, Event and Listener Objects
The AWT's event-handling classes are kept in package java.awt.event
Three kinds of objects are involved in the event-handling: a source, listener(s) and an event object.
The source object (such as Button
and Textfield
) interacts with the user. Upon triggered, the source object creates an event object to capture the action (e.g., mouse-click x and y, texts entered, etc). This event object will be messaged to all the registered listener object(s), and an appropriate event-handler method of the listener(s) is called-back to provide the response. In other words, triggering a source fires an event to all its listener(s), and invoke an appropriate event handler of the listener(s).
To express interest for a certain source's event, the listener(s) must be registered with the source. In other words, the listener(s) "subscribes" to a source's event, and the source "publishes" the event to all its subscribers upon activation. This is known as subscribe-publish or observable-observer design pattern.

The sequence of steps is illustrated above:
- The source object registers its listener(s) for a certain type of event.
A source fires an event when triggered. For example, clicking a
fires anActionEvent
, clicking a mouse button firesMouseEvent
, typing a key firesKeyEvent
, and etc.How the source and listener understand each other? The answer is via an agreed-upon interface. For example, if a source is capable of firing an event called
). Firstly, we need to declare an interface calledXxxListener
) containing the names of the handler methods (recall that aninterface
contains onlyabstract
methods without implementation). For example, theActionListener
interface is declared as follows:// An ActionListener interface, which declares the signature of the handlers public interface ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt); }
Secondly, all
listeners must implement theXxxListener
interface. That is, the listeners must provide their own implementations (i.e., programmed responses) to all theabstract
methods declared in theXxxListener
interface. In this way, the listener(s) can response to these events appropriately. For example,// An example of MouseListener, which provides implementation to the event handler methods class MyActionListener implement ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { System.out.println("ActionEvent detected!"); } }
Thirdly, in the source, we need to maintain a list of
listener object(s), and define two methods:addXxxListener()
to add and remove aXxxEvent
listener from this list. For theActionEvent
, the signature of the methods are:public void addActionListener(ActionListener lis); public void removeActionListener(ActionListener lis);
Take note that the
takes aXxxListener
object as its sole parameter. In other words, it can only add objects of the typeXxxListener
, and its sub-type. SinceXxxListener
is aninterface
, you cannot create instance ofXxxListener
, but need to create instance of a subclass implementing theXxxListener
.In summary, we identify the source, the event-listener interface, and the listener object. The listener must implement the event-listener interface. The source object then registers listener object via the
addXxxListener(XxxListener lis)
method. - The source is triggered by a user.
- The source create a
object, which encapsulates the necessary information about the activation. For example, the(x, y)
position of the mouse pointer, the text entered, etc. - Finally, for each of the
listeners in the listener list, the source invokes the appropriate handler on the listener(s), which provides the programmed response.
In summary, triggering a source fires an event to all its registered listeners, and invoke an appropriate handler of the listener.
4.1 java.util.EventObject
All event objects extends java.util.EventObject
, which takes the source object in this constructor, and provides a getSource()
// Constructor public EventObject(Object source) // Method public Object getSource()
Take note that the constructor takes an Object
; and getSource()
returns an instance of type Object
. You may need to downcast it back to its original type.
4.2 ActionEvent & ActionListener
An ActionEvent
is fired, when an action has been performed by the user. For examples, when the user clicks a button, chooses a menu item, presses enter key in a text field. The associated ActionListener
interface declares only one abstract method, as follows:
public interface ActionListener extends java.util.EventListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt); // called-back when an action has been performed
From the ActionEvent
argument evt
, you may use evt.getActionCommand()
to get a String
related to this event, for example, the button's label, the String
entered into the textfield. This is particularly useful if the same ActionEvent
handler is used to handle multiple source objects (e,g., buttons or textfields), for identifying the source object that triggers this ActionEvent
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