
Showing posts from October, 2022

BCA 3 - Core Java Assignments

Core Java Descriptive Questions: 1.Define the term Class and Objects. Discuss the concept of Constructor with suitable example. 2.Differentiate between a constructor and a method 3.What is polymorphism? Explain run-time polymorphism with example. 4.Write a program to demonstrate any five string operations using string class. 5.What is difference between String and String buffer and explain 3 methods of String and StringBuffer class with example. 6.State the difference between interface and abstract class with example. 7.What is constructor? Explain constructor overloading with example. 8.Method overriding & Overriding 9.What is the use of this & super keyword? 10.What is static? How to create static method? JDBC Descriptive Questions: 1.What are the steps in the JDBC connection? Explain in detail 2.State the purpose of the following JDBC classes and interfaces    i) Driver manager ii) Connection iii) Statement 3.Write JDBC programs to demonstrate CRUD(create,read,update,delete)

Bsc 3 - Advance Java Assignments.

JDBC Short Answer questions 1.What is JDBC ? 2.Describe CallablStatement. 3.Describe ResultSet interface. 4.What is the difference between execute, executeQuery, executeUpdate? Long Answer questions 1.What are the steps in the JDBC connection? Explain in detail. 2.Differentiate between the statement and PreparedStatement with suitable example. 3. State the purpose of the following JDBC classes and interfaces   i) Driver manager ii) Connection iii) Statement 4.Write a java program which perform DML operation on table. 5.Explain types of JDBC drivers with suitable example. 6. Write a program to delete the records of employees having the designation as “Supervisor” by using PreparedStatement interface in JDBC. Servlets Short Answer questions 1.What is Deployment descriptor ? 2.List out advantages of JSP over servlet 3.What is the role of attribute in servlets? 4.Explain the servlet life cycle. 5.Explain ServletContext interface 6.Write a servlet to display “Hello” message (use doGet( )).

Advance Java - Servlets

  Introduction to Servlets Servlets are the Java programs that run on the Java-enabled web server or application server. They are used to handle the request obtained from the webserver, process the request, produce the response, then send a response back to the webserver.  Properties of Servlets are as follows: Servlets work on the server-side. Servlets are capable of handling complex requests obtained from the webserver. Servlet Architecture is can be depicted from the image itself as provided below as follows:  The Servlet Architecture The servlet high-level architectural diagram is shown below. Let’s have a look at how each component contributes to the operation of a servlet in more detail. Client : The client in the design above serves largely as a channel, making HTTP requests to the server and then processing the response it receives. The web browser, as shown in the diagram, is our client. Web server : A web server’s major purpose is to process the requests and

Advanced Java - JDBC

  Introduction to Java JDBC JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. JDBC API is a Java API which is used to access tabular data, especially which are stored in the relational database. JDBC works with Java on platforms like Windows, MacOS, and UNIX. What is JDBC? JDBC is used for connecting java programming language with databases. JDBC library has APIs for each task, which is mentioned below. Creating a connection to a database. Creating statements for SQL or MySQL. Executing queries using SQL or MySQL in the database. Viewing & modifying the resulting records. JDBC provides a complete set of an interface which allows access to the database. It can also be used by different types of executables, they are as follows: Java Applications Java Applets Java Servlets Java ServerPages (JSPs) Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs). All these executables are able to use a JDBC driver to access a database. The java.sql package contains classes and interfaces for JDBC API. Following is a